July 10, 2020
There have been questions in regards to whether the Sedgwick County public health order released on July 8 impacts our meeting in person for worship on Sunday. In the order, Sedgwick County is adopting Phase 3 of the Ad Astra: a Plan to Reopen Kansas that prohibits mass gatherings of more than 45 people. In that plan, a mass gathering is defined as "instances in which individuals are in one location and unable to maintain 6 feet of distance between individuals (not including individuals who reside together) with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.”
Based off this information, we are currently in adherence to these distancing requirements through the framework that was setup when we first began meeting together in June by providing the spacing we have between seats in the sanctuary and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. That said, we will be meeting in person for worship this Sunday. For any who may feel the need to stay home for any reason, we encourage you to continue worshiping with us via the livestream of our worship service on our Facebook page.
As far as wearing masks on Sunday mornings, we think the best thing to do is to ask everyone to wear a mask when coming for worship. While we understand this is a mandate by the county, we will not be enforcing this as to avoid discriminating against or unnecessarily calling attention to those who have medical, physical, or any other accepted reason for not wearing a mask. It is not our place to police this with every individual, but to seek to abide by the mandate. We are trusting people to be able to discern the wisest decisions for their personal safety as well as others around them based on their circumstances. With that said, we would encourage all to assume that those who are not wearing a mask have good reason and extend them grace.
Grace and peace to each of you.